The AGM was held on Saturday, March 28th, in the grand old Horseshoe Bay Pub in Chemainus. This meeting was made special by the attendance of two prominent heralds, Cowichan Extraordinary (Graham Anderson) and Rideau Emeritus (Robb Watt), both branch members. It would be a good guess that a big reason for Robb's presence was to listen to our guest speaker, Christopher Mackie, LRHSC, BA, LLB, who gave a very insightful talk, entitled "The Canadian Law of Arms: Room for Improvement". There was also on display Laurie's very fine heraldic display and a beautiful example of heraldic art in the form of Gwen Treen's Letters Patent (see photos below).
The highlights of the meeting follows:
Chris first gave a very enjoyable presentation on the development of his mother's (Gwendolyn Treen) arms. He then went on to his main topic of the Canadian Law of Arms, underlining how grey this matter currently is. Anyone interested in acquiring a copy of a report that Chris wrote on this, with the same title, can contact our branch president, Carl Larsen.
The Branch president, Carl Larsen, gave the annual report. His report touched on the following topics:
Members are mingling, waiting for the meeting to start.
The BC Jewel bow, as worn by lady members of the Branch executive. Who is wearing this one?
Shirley Greenwood, herself a BC jewel!
The Letters Patent for the arms of Gwendolyn Treen. To the left is a plaque of the arms of Creston and to the right, that of Cowichan Lake, both designed by Graham Anderson. You can see these arms on the BC Roll of Arms page.
Laurie's very fine heraldic display with a very imposing backdrop.
A close-up of Laurie's display.
"A Canadian Heraldic Primer" and "The Canadian Law of Arms" on display. For a copy of either, please contact the branch president.
Head table. From left to right: Laurie Patten (treasurer), Carl Larsen (president), Graham Anderson (Cowichan Herald Extraordinary) and Chris Mackie (guest speaker). Missing from the photo is Allan Ailo (vice-president).
Looking to the right.
Looking to the left.
Buffet area where the excellent food was laid out. There is no truth to the rumour that Carl had five desserts.
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