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Annual Branch Black Tie Dinner

Piper and branch member David Hjalmarson

The dinner was held on Saturday, October 24th, at the Quality Resort Bayside in Parksville.  The head table was piped in by our very own David Hjalmarson.  Once everyone was seated, president Carl Larsen introduced the head table.  Then the feast began.

Arms of David Hjalmarson

Georgia Angelopoulos giving her talk on calligraphy

After the four course dinner, Georgia Angelopoulos gave a very interesting talk on the history and present state of her craft, calligraphy.

President Carl Larsen awarding Shirley Greenwood the RHSC's Meritorious Service Award

Next, Carl Larsen had the pleaseant duty of awarding a very surprised Director and past Secretary Shirley Greenwood for her exceptional work for the Society.

Arms of Shirley Greenwood Arms of Carl Larsen

Graham Andersen presenting John Neill with flag and badge

The final item on the agenda was the presenting of two Letters Patent, the first a flag and badge for John Neill and, secondly, a complete set of arms, badge and flag for David Watson.

Arms of Graham Anderson Arms of John Neill

Graham Andersen presenting John Neill with flag and badge Graham Andersen presenting John Neill with flag and badge Graham Andersen presenting John Neill with flag and badge

Miscellaneous photos

Before the dinner
Before the dinner Before the dinner

After the dinner
John Neill introducing Georgia Angelopoulos Members listening to Georgia

Displays of arms
Display of John Watson's letters patent Display of John Watson's letters patent. Campbell River arms on the left. Display of John Neill's letters patent

Calligraphy display
Display of calligraphy materials

badge of the BC branch of the RHSC

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Arms of Lee Van Horne

Last updated October 29th, 2009.
Webmaster: Lee Van Horne