This year's dinner was held on Saturday, October 26th, at the Quamichan Inn in Duncan.
Members and guests mingle in the reception area of the inn. In formal red serge is RCMP Superintendant Paul Richards, the evening's keynote speaker, talking to Dr. Don McLeod. In the background is Sir John Cave-Browne-Cave.
Behind Supt. Paul Richards, Shirley Greenwood is talking to Maria Brouwer and Gerald McKinnon. In the foreground is Judy Cowan and Denis Ostercamp.
Guests begin to filter into the dining room. Here, director Tom Mercer (back to camera) and treasurer Don Mayers have a chat.
The Three Belles are posing, with branch president John Neill in dexter background.
David Hjalmarson pipes in the head table.  Immediately following him is Supt. Paul Richards, his wife Lenore, and then branch president John Neill.
Members and guests have just finished an excellent dinner.
Past president Carl Larsen introduces the evening's speaker, Superintendant Paul Richards, MOM SBStJ MA. Carl mentioned that Paul is currently the most highly decorated RCMP officer.
Paul Richards gives a very interesting reflection on his past heraldic exposure and activities, from the little "The Observer's Book of Heraldry" to using symbology to fight terrorism.
Member Gerald McKinnon receives a certificate from president John Neill testifying that he has achieved the top level in Heraldry Proficiency and is now considered a Licientiate of our august Society. Congratulations, Gerald! Gerald has recently petitioned the Crown for a coat of arms.
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