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  Photos by the webmaster except where otherwise noted. 
The Venue

Union Club front door

Normally, at this time of year, we would have a lunch followed by an AGM.  This year, however, our branch decided to have an AGM in the afternoon, followed by a black tie dinner in the evening.  This was held at the Union Club in Victoria, on March 7th.  What follows is a selection of photos taken during the dinner.

Arms of The Union Club of British Columbia

Dining Room

Members and guests are mingling in the dining room.

dining room dining room dining room

Festivities Begin

Judy Cowan and Jennifer, Lady Cave-browne-Cave

Judy Cowan and Jennifer, Lady Cave-Browne-Cave wait to be piped to the head table.

piper plays bagpipes

Branch director David Hjalmarson prepares to pipe in the head table.

Arms of David Hjalmarson


Steve stands beside table

Branch president Steve Cowan welcomes members and guests to the dinner.

Arms of Steve Cowan

Yukon commissioner at doorway

The Yukon commissioner the Honorable Angélique Bernard arrives.

Arms of Angélique Bernard


diners at table 1

Head table

Arms of Steve Cowan Arms of Angélique Bernard Arms of Sir John Cave-Browne-Cave

diners at table 3

Table 3

Arms of Gary Mitchell

diners at table 1

Table 4

Arms of Carl Larsen

The Greenwood Lecture

commissioner starts her presentation

The Honorable Angélique Bernard begins her talk and ends up fulfilling one of her duties very well, promoting the Yukon.

Arms of Angélique Bernard

commissioner starts her presentation

At the end of Her Honour's presentation, Steve presents her with a table shield depicting her shield.

Arms of Steve Cowan Arms of Angélique Bernard

commissioner starts her presentation

... and her raven crest on the other side.

Arms of Steve Cowan Arms of Angélique Bernard

commissioner hugs president

For which Steve receives, naturally, a Yukon hug.

Arms of Steve Cowan Arms of Angélique Bernard

badge of the BC branch of the RHSC

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Arms of Lee Van Horne

Last updated May 8th, 2020.
Webmaster: Lee Van Horne