This year's Branch Black Tie Dinner was held at the Victoria Scottish Community Centre in Victoria, on November 25th. What follows is a selection of photos taken during the dinner. Source for the photo to the right: Victoria Scottish Community Centre
Members and guests are greeted by the Society's arms as they enter the dining room.
Branch president Steve Cowan hosts the evening's events. 
Before the dinner, certificates were presented to new fellows of the Society. These included two members from our branch, John Neill and Gary Mitchell. Branch member Shirley Greenwood also became a full fellow but, unfortunately, was not able to attend the presentation ceremony.
Six full tables of diners are enjoying the festivities as they begin their meals.
After the dinner, the new National president, Jason Burgoin, gives his view on how to build the RHSC over the coming years.
A line of flags provide the right ambience to the room. (The two diners facing the camera are Sir John Cave-Browne-Cave and his wife, Jennifer.)
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